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The Villa is a place to examine R.E.S.T.™, a place where we inspire, instruct, and equip people to reconcile Relational, Emotional, and Spiritual Truth in order to heal.  National statistics tell us that mental health issues are among the most significant challenges we face in America. Confusion, chaos, and dis-ease are rampant. In this divided country with a society crippled with unrest, we desperately need a place to reason, reconcile and restore.  To advance REST, we host events at The Villa, a retreat facility in Silverado Canyon, California, east of Irvine.  Here we provide both a literal and figurative place where people can focus and reason through principles and values that speak to the Laws of Nature, Self-Evident Truth, and Natural Affection. Along the lines of these foundational principles, we reason through difficult concepts from every discipline. We synthesize ideas, concepts and worldviews as we work through our carefully refined curriculum to discover how we love, how we live and how we make decisions. This experience provides a way out of the growing web of confusion for many contemporary issues and leads to an understanding of significant disciplines critical for decision-makers in leadership positions of institutions, both profit and non-profit. Attendees testify that these principles impact every facet of their organizations and save time and resources. And for individuals and families who seek to reconcile the conflict and confusion facing them, we teach them how to apply a matrix of principles which ultimately empowers them to make wise decisions in their particular circumstances. 

To expand the reach of R.E.S.T.™, we set up The Villa in 2020 as a non-profit entity under HILL OF HOPE, a 501c3 public non-profit, where all donations will be tax-deductible. Virginia Dixon, author of R.E.S.T.™: The ReConstitution Method for Healing, has developed the curriculum.  She conducts monthly events and seminars for this educational and retreat facility we affectionately call The Villa. To accomplish our goal of expanding the reach of R.E.S.T.™, we enthusiastically ask you to consider…

Attending an Afternoon, Day or Weekend of R.E.S.T.™

Sponsoring friends or relatives by giving the Gift of R.E.S.T.™

Providing a scholarship for specific R.E.S.T.™ events

Becoming a monthly donor

Making a year-end contribution

Arranging a Planned Gift

*If you have a sizable contribution and would like to apply it to our ongoing property maintenance and improvement project, please contact us at 949-289-5935.

Contributions can be made using your Credit Card or PayPal account on HillofHope.me or mailing a check made out to Hill of Hope with REST in the memo line and mailed to 1 Polaris Way Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. For additional information, please visit our website.